divendres, 20 de març del 2015

My City Mindmap

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

divendres, 6 de març del 2015

Valentine's Day

The Valentine's Day is a traditional celebration of countries. It is celebrated on February 14, feast day of St. Valentine. In some countries is known as Valentine's Day, in others as the day of love and friendship, or as the day of "secret friend". In Anglo-America around 1842, Esther A. Howland began selling the first mass postcards Valentine's, known as "valentines" with symbols like heart shape or Cupid. Also on this day is common tradition of giving roses to those people who have a special affection. 

 Day in different countries: 
-In China and Qi Qiao Jie existed (day to show the skills') held the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. 
-In Spain this festival was first held in mid-twentieth century, with the purpose of encouraging the purchase of gifts. It is often said that this event introduced the chain of department stores Galeries Preciados. "Valentine came to Spain Preciados Galleries hand." It is celebrated on February 14. 
-In Peru this festival is known as "Day of Love and Friendship". On this date the exchange of cards, stuffed animals and filled chocolates, specially designed and decorated for the occasion are very popular. Among the most precious gifts are the orchids, native to the Peruvian flora.